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Toothy treats trio

Toothy treats trio

Regular price £6.00
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A trio of treats designed to promote dental health and encourage natural chewing behaviour in hamsters.

What's in the toothy treats hamster mix?

This treat mix is something a bit special. Not only is it a delightful treat for your hamster, but it will also help to keep their teeth worn down and promote great dental health. In the mix you'll find pea flakes, dandelion roots and whole monkey nuts in their shells. The mix weighs 75g. 

How to use the toothy treats hamster mix

You can give your hamster a few pea flakes at a time, either as a bonding treat, or something you can add into their forage mix. Generally you should only give them one monkey nut a week and they should only have one large or two small dandelion roots on the go at any given time. You can give them to your hamster as treats. Use them for bonding, or hide them around the cage for your hamster to find! 

Is the pea pleasure treat mix hamster safe?

Yes. Pea flakes are purely split peas that have been cooked and then dried out, they are a firm hamster favourite. Dandelion roots are almost universally loved by hamsters, they like to gnaw on them usually over a few days. They are safe for hamsters, but shouldn't be fed in large amounts. Monkey nuts are usually a great enriching activity for hamsters as they like to gnaw on them to get the peanuts out. They're perfectly safe, but again shouldn't be overfed because nuts are higher in fat.

The mix has been frozen at -20°c for 48+ hours so you can use it out of the bag with confidence.


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