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Seed Sensation Hamster Treat Mix

Seed Sensation Hamster Treat Mix

Regular price £6.00
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Packed with essential nutrients and wholesome goodness for a crunchy and satisfying snack experience.

What's in the seed sensation mix?

This is a seed mix full of hamster favourites! In here you'll find pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds (also known as golden linseeds), whole rape seeds and camelina seeds. The mix weighs 125g.

How to use the seed sensation mix with your hamster

This mix is really versatile. You can sprinkle it around for your hamster to find. Put some in your hand and offer it to your hamster for bonding. Stick it to cardboard tubes with flour glue to make diy boredom breakers. Wrap it in paper to create boredom breakers. Mix it with your hamster's food to give it a seedier edge. The options are endless. I have been known to let Flamey just get into the pouch and fill his cheeks, but I am probably a terrible hamster mo-ma for encouraging such shenanigans! 

Is the seed sensation treat mix hamster safe?

Yes! These seeds are firm favourites amongst hamsters. They can be fed to your hamster pretty regularly, but don't overfeed them because sunflower and rape seeds are a little fattier so it is possible for a hamster to over-eat these and put on a bit of weight.

The mix has been frozen at -20°c for 48+ hours so you can use it out of the bag with confidence.

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