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Pea pleasure power pack

Pea pleasure power pack

Regular price £3.00
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Wholesome treats loaded with peas and grains, providing essential fibre for your hamster's digestive health.

What's in the pea pleasure hamster treat mix?

For pea flake obsessed hamsters who love a good nibble we have this great little treat mix with just two simple ingredients - pea flakes and whole grain wheat. Both are firm hamster favourites and both are great for munching, meaning that they're also good for wearing down your hamster's teeth. The mix weighs 50g which is enough to last at least a month or longer depending how often you use it.

How to use the pea pleasure hamster treat mix

The pea pleasure mix is perfect for when you want something a little fancier than pea flakes on their own and it's a great introductory mix to try your hamster with whole grains. You can pick out the grains and pea flakes individually and hand feed them, you can hide them around your hamster's enclosure for them to find, or you can sprinkle it through some forage to give your hamster something to find!

Is the pea pleasure treat mix hamster safe?

Yes. Pea flakes are purely split peas that have been cooked and then dried out and the wheat is whole grain and organic which means that it hasn't been grown using synthetic chemicals or pesticides. Both are hamster safe.

The mix has been frozen at -20°c for 48+ hours so you can use it out of the bag with confidence.

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