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Nutty nibbles hamster treat mix

Nutty nibbles hamster treat mix

Regular price £5.00
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A crunchy blend packed with nutty goodness to satisfy your hamster's snack cravings.

What's in the nutty nibbles hamster mix?

In this mix you'll find a mix of naked oats, spelt and camelina seeds which are a nutty and creamy combo, and it's topped off with whole monkey nuts which are still in the shell for a crunchy enriching nutty treat. The mix weighs around 100g so this will last a fair few weeks.

How to use the nutty nibbles hamster mix

Pick out the monkey nuts and hide them around your hamster's enclosure for lots of foraging fun. Sprinkle the oats, spelt and camelina seeds around the enclosure to encourage foraging.

Is this treat mix hamster safe?

Yes. Monkey nuts are great for encouraging chewing and teeth wearing. Naked oats haven't been processed at all. Spelt is great for encouraging wearing of teeth and camelina seeds are high in omega 3 and protein. 

The mix has been frozen at -20°c for 48+ hours so you can use it out of the bag with confidence.

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