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Mealworm munchies medley

Mealworm munchies medley

Regular price £5.00
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Irresistible hamster treats packed with essential nutrients and protein to keep your hamster happy and healthy.

What's in the mealworm munchies medley hamster mix?

In this mix you'll find a crunchy munchy blend of mealworms, whole grain barley and whole rape seeds. It's a mix of protein and healthy fats. The mix weighs around 65g which will last a while as it should be fed sparingly. Imagine that this is essentially a packet of crisps for your hamster!

How to use the mealworm munchies medley treat mix

Sprinkle the mix into toys for some enriching and playful snack time, or sprinkle the mix around your hamster's enclosure for them to find and forage on. Only feed half a teaspoon at a time every few days to avoid overfeeding.

Is the mealworm munchies medley treat mix hamster safe?

Yes. Many hamsters love mealworms and mixing them with whole rape seeds and barley makes them a very special treat. Mealworms are higher in fat than some protein alternatives and rape seeds are relatively oily, like sunflower seeds, so this mix really is a treat that should be given occasionally to make sure your hamster doesn't end up putting on too much weight. Barley is a safe grain that will help your hamster wear down their teeth and since it isn't high in fat it's a good compliment to this mix to prevent it being too fattening.

The mix has been frozen at -20°c for 48+ hours so you can use it out of the bag with confidence.

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