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Chamomile charm crunch hamster treat mix

Chamomile charm crunch hamster treat mix

Regular price £6.50
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Calming and fragrant treats infused with chamomile, perfect for relaxation and enjoyment.

What's in the chamomile charm crunch hamster mix?

In this soothing mix dried chamomile flowers are mixed with crunchy spelt, nutty camelina seeds, naked oats, golden linseeds and sunflower seeds. It's a multi sensory mix that's perfect for foraging. The mix weighs 140g, enough to keep your hamster going for weeks! 

How to use the chamomile charm crunch treat mix

Sprinkle the mix into toys for some enriching and playful snack time, or sprinkle the chamomile charm crunch mix around your hamster's enclosure for them to find and forage on. Because the mix includes elements that have delightful scents it will do a great job of encouraging your hamster to explore and seek out the smells.

Is this treat mix hamster safe?

Yes. Chamomile flowers are safe for hamsters to munch on. They don't tend to eat a lot of the flowers but they can. Spelt and oats are healthy grains for snacking on and the seeds are a great treat. 

The mix has been frozen at -20°c for 48+ hours so you can use it out of the bag with confidence.

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